Serving Wilmington, DE and the Mid- Atlantic
It is the vision of the Community for Integrative Learning (CIL) that through thought-provoking programs and activities, those we touch experience greater harmony, expanded creativity and enriched purpose along with increased connectedness and well-being.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
Programs for 2024 at CIL
"Personal Narrative: Transforming Haunting Ghosts into Healing Guests"
with Dr. Dennis Slattery
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
via Zoom
Rather than conceptualize the power of ghosts that haunt us, I offer a personal narrative of ghost energies that have shaped my life for decades. In the creation of this story, I discovered the single most central archetype that has given this ghostly presence its unlimited energy.
James Hollis's illuminating text, Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives (2013/2015), has been a major inspiration for these reflections. They led me to consider an alternative to dispelling our ghosts: inviting them in as guests. The shift from haunting ghosts to healing guests can offer a new story to live by, one that constructs our identity more fully and generously on our individuation pilgrimage.
Dennis Patrick, Ph.D. is currently Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Pacifica Graduate Institute, a Fellow of the Dallas Institute and faculty member of The Jung Platform, directed by therapist Machiel Klerk. He has also taught student inmates in a major California prison using the thought of Joseph Campbell on personal myth.
This is a Zoom event.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
7-9 PM - Zoom Event
$17 CIL members
$20 Non members
"Dreaming - A Spiritual Practice"
With Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. - Author & Psychologist of Religion
Thursday, December 5, 2024
via Zoom
During this live Zoom meeting and discussion, Dr. Bulkeley will present new research and
methods in the practice of dream journaling, which are very exciting.
Jung and others have mentioned the importance of studying dreams in
series, not just one at a time, and Dr. Bulkeley believes that's more true than ever.
New tools and technologies are revealing patterns of dream content
that can help us better understand ourselves psychologically, culturally,
and spiritually.
Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., is a psychologist of religion focusing on dream
research. He is Director of the Sleep and Dream Database
(SDDb), Senior Editor of the journal Dreaming, and former president of
the International Association for the Study of Dreams. His books
include Dreaming in the World’s Religions (2008), Big
Dreams (2016), Lucrecia the Dreamer (2018), Escape from
Mercury (2022), The Scribes of Sleep (2023), 2020 Dreams (2023),
and The Spirituality of Dreaming (2023). He lives in Estacada, Oregon,
This is a Zoom event
Thursday, December 5
7-9 PM EST
Fee: CIL member $12; Non-member $15